Saturday, March 10, 2012


Mitt Romney, the Republican Party front runner in the party's nomination race tends to give the impression that he can solve the nation's economic woes better than any of his challengers in that race. However, is he not being overzealous, as there is no proof that he can?

He even jumps the party hurdle to attack President Barack Obama, not on his foreign policy, or his health care law or his ability to bring people like Usama Bin Laden to justice; but his (Romney's) sole target has been the president's effort to handle the economy.

In an election year, any number of promises can be made by candidates, to have a better plan to deal with important issues, such as the economy proper and high unemployment; yet, when it come to the crunch of it, they have nothing realistic to show for their assertions.

That is the Romney methodology, to use incessant statements to cloud the political atmosphere in such a way that no one can actually see through the smoke that he is creating.

His latest objective is the Obama campaign strategy to enumerate the presidents achievements and accomplishments during the past three years, with so much to do to pull the country out of an economic morass, since the great depression of the 1930s.

It is true that the situation he has inherited happens to be dire, but he has to wait until he is in the Oval Office to see the actual extent of it; and when he is able to do so, he gives it his all to improve conditions as fast as possible, fully knowing that will not occur overnight, but it will take some time.

At the start of his fourth year, his plans are beginning to bear fruit, as he has the economy in recovery and the jobless rate under control; and even the mainstream media have a sense of that.

Then comes Mitt Romney to pull the wool over peoples' eyes and calls the president's campaign montage strategy, which is in a documentary form, another name.

"Obama's team is "calling it a documentary. I don't think so. It's an infomercial," Romney told a crowd in Jackson, Mississippi. He then goes on to say, "I have some suggestions for the president and for the (film's) producer. ... Talk to the 24 million Americans who are out of work or underemployed in this country." (CNN, 03/10/12).

Where exactly does he get these figures from? He conjures them up in his mind and then throws them out, hoping that they will catch on. However that is completely wrong, and so worrisome.

He Romney is in the campaign and running for the presidency of the United States, and therefore he must learn to tell his audiences the truth, first about himself, and especially about how he acquires his wealth.

Dishing misinformation to party followers may be alright in his mind, but it is dishonest on the part of any candidate aspiring for the highest office in the land to do so.

He says he specializes in job creation and that he has plans "to put the economy back on track,"; but as a matter of fact he is not revealing these plans to anyone. All he does is to talk about them; and if he is not the simpleton as many people think he is, he will give them a chance to see what they (plans) are before they decide to vote for him.

He will then be considered a serious alternative to Obama, who is attempting to put the economy right and effectively succeeding; and so it will be irrational to replace him at any time soon.

Romney cannot even debate Obamacare on the campaign trail, as stated above. Why? Because the common belief is that it is based on Romneycare, a health care law that he has initiated as governor of the State of Massachusetts.

His rival in the Republican race, Santorum, is holding that against him, and saying that Romneycare is just as mandatory as Obamacare; and that he, Romney, must not run away from that charge. He has a lot of explaining to do about that conundrum.

He has even leveled another accusation at Romney that he cannot be trusted, because he is not truthful with the American people. He adds by saying that, "Gov. Romney reinvents himself for whatever the political occasion calls for." (Huff Post, 02/10/12).

Romney is harping on fixing the economy, just because he has nothing substantial to tell the American people. Or perhaps he thinks that he is a Wall Street magnate, and therefore anything he says will be believed; but will that work? That is a question only he alone can answer.

The other question for the country is, will the voters choose the person, who is doing the job right; or one, who is just making promises to do it right? Obama or Romney?

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