Saturday, February 18, 2012


In this day and age, you don't kill a man for what he believes in; and that is what is going on in Iran with the death sentence on a priest, who will not renounce his religious faith.

Lawmakers in the United States Congress are calling for his immediate release, not because he is a Christian, but for the reason that his civil and human rights are being violated by his own government.

It is like, "if you do not want to convert from one religion to another, we will stop you from breathing," which hardly makes any sense whatsoever.

That is the case of a young Christian priest in today's Iran, where he is facing "apostasy" for embracing the Christian faith. The country's leaders believe that he is a threat to "national security".

Youcef Nadarkhani will therefore be put to death "for refusing to renounce his faith."

The law of apostasy is itself criminal, as it cannot make any differentiation between people. It fails to take into consideration that a person can be in a Mosque on a Friday, but he does not believe in what he is seeing or hearing around him. So, who will ever know?

In other words, one cannot read anybody's mind, to be sure that the next person is entrenched in the Muslim faith, just because he is in a Mosque. The mere fact that he is present there does not make him a devout Muslim believer.

As faith is a state of mind, you cannot physically delve into it; and if so, that makes you a sycophant, if you try.

Trained doctors and specialists, like psychologists and sociologists, try to do just that; but they are just scratching on the surface of an unseen state (of mind), as they cannot reach into it and come up with anything substantial as proof or evidence.

They will then write a report after an examination of a "patient", but that cannot be genuinely accurate, and so, that makes them into sycophants, for prying into other people's minds.

The Ayatollahs in Iran fit perfectly into that mode, but what makes their situation worse is that they are not trained. They just look into a face and deduce that it (face) is a regular at the Mosque and so it belongs to or it is that of a Muslim.

Nadarkhani can pretend to be such a person, and he can get away with his death sentence; and who will ever know?

They will call him a covert Christian, but who cares.

Rep. Joseph Pitts (R-PA) is sponsoring a resolution, which "denounces Iran for its leaders' ruling of apostasy against Youcef Nadarkhani and calls for his immediate release." (Fox News, 02/18/12).

He has the support of millions of Americans; for Youcef's plight is appalling.

Footnote: No, Doctors are necessary. They protect society from people with mental deficiencies.

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