Saturday, February 25, 2012


The Republican Party nomination race looks like a war zone, with front runners, Santorum and Romney attacking each other with anything they can lay their hands on; from No child left behind, a Bush era reform, to American jobs coming back from overseas.

The two are blaming each other for false attacks, and they are not sparing any chances to grab as much votes as possible for winning the Arizona and Michigan primaries.

Gingrich and Paul are still in the fray, but the real fight is between Santorum and Romney; and with Michigan being the home state of Romney, he is making sure that he gets the support he deserves as a "native son".

However, the polls are telling a different story, as over 1500 potential Republican voters are ditching Romney for Santorum. The reason being that Romney is more a of a Wall Street player with too much special interest backing; he cannot be trusted to do anything for ordinary folks.

"An American Research Group poll released Thursday shows 38% of likely Michigan GOP primary voters backing Santorum, and 34% supporting Romney --- " (CNN, 02/25/12).

Headlines, like "Mitt Romney's Ford Field Fumble." is plaguing his campaign, in spite of the huge PACs (Political Action Committees) funding that runs into millions of dollars flowing into his political war chest.

Meanwhile, President Barack Obama is doing well, in terms of his approval rating, notwithstanding the spike in oil and gas prices that motorists are being forced to grapple with.

Small businesses are the most hit, but they are aware that Iran has cut production of oil, due to the sanctions that the United States and its allies are imposing on that country for its nuclear program, which some say is aimed at producing weapons, and therefore it has to stop.

Gingrich, is attempting to cash in on the "apology" that the president has made to Hamid Karzai, president of Afghanistan, for the Quran burning by U.S. and allied military personnel.

However, people are thinking that an apology is fair, under the circumstances, as no one has any right to burn religious books. He (Obama) has to step in, somehow, to save the situation from getting worse.

As for Santorum and Romney, they have to keep on fighting until one of them (or someone else) becomes the choice of their party to meet with Obama in the 2012 presidential election.

They have their work cut out for them, even after Tuesday's primaries in Arizona and Michigan; and all this blog can do is to wish them luck.

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