Tuesday, February 28, 2012


One of the front runners in the Republican Party nomination race is claiming that his own personal successes will reflect in his economic policies to help or make individual Americans to become prosperous.

However, his tax plan that he enunciated recently, is loaded against ordinary workers, as the wealthy will be paying less taxes ranging from 25% and below, but there is no limit or cap for middle class income earners, like secretaries and other workers, who are presently paying approximately 30% in taxes. Their rates can be adjustable, as they can be made to move farther up, depending on how the government feels.

He does not even mention the millions of working men and women, who rely on medial salaries and low wages, compared to those in the upper echelon of society, such as executives of money and market management companies and oil moguls, who have several streams of income, as he does.

His fiscal assets and financial holdings in the Cayman Islands and elsewhere give him away as one interested solely in the upper scale of social mobility than those, who are struggling day by day to make ends meet, and those, perhaps, living from "paycheck to paycheck".

The phrase "Minimum wage" is not to be found anywhere in his plan; showing that his mind is more on what many refer to as the 1% percent, and those aspiring to join their ranks, such as speculators on Wall Street and monetary market supervisors, than on the 90% of the people, some of whom do not pay any taxes at all, due to the fact that they do not earn enough to afford paying taxes or they are on government assisted programs to survive. (The "Safety net for the poor," caper. Remember?).

In other words, the economic plan Mitt Romney presented in Michigan last week, must have had everything in it for all the people of the United States, in view of the fact that it was an initiative designed to appeal to those, who would vote in the primary election there on Tuesday, February 28, 2012 (today); but under careful scrutiny, only part of the voters would really benefit from it, if it were to materialize.

The two front runners are neck and neck in the polls, but the truth is that if any of them, or for that matter, any of all four of the Republican presidential hopefuls becomes the nominee, his party's ideologies will be foremost on his agenda, rather than the well being of all Americans.

All of them are critical of President Barack Obama and the Democratic Party, but they do not offer any cogent alternatives, except to vociferously claim and promise that they will do better.

Voters in today's primaries in Arizona and Michigan have a duty to perform, in voting for the one person, who is not self centered among the remaining Republican candidates. It will be very hard to choose, as there is nobody in the group, who fits the leadership skills they themselves advocate that they have.

Again, one of them says that he is wealthy, and therefore everybody must be inclined to emulate his success; but how he has made his wealth, he is not at all happy to discuss it; and that makes one to wonder as to what type of leadership one must expect from him; surreptitious or, perhaps, corrupt? Who knows.

America must brace for a new type of leadership, as anything can happen, judging from what these candidates are saying in their scare tactics speeches on the campaign trail.

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