Saturday, February 11, 2012


Did you see the "Crocodile" having an afternoon meal at the CPAC meeting yesterday?

Without mentioning any names in particular, he took the whole Conservative establishment to task, enumerated his accomplishments and espoused his plans for the future.

In each compartment, he showed that he was the best of the field of candidates now vying for the nomination of the Republican Party; namely, to choose the right person to face President Barack Obama for the White House in the forthcoming 2012 presidential election.

He was masterful in his eloquence, his command of the English language was superb, and his delivery was nothing short of excellence.

Before then, his two close rivals, Santorum and Romney, have made their speeches, and they both did their best to energize the membership of the party, and indicated that they were Conservatives (with a capital C). One of them went to the extent of saying that he was a "severely conservative governor".

Severely? A word that is used to describe a wound or something of that kind.

Romney was made to look like an accountant counting on his fortune to sweep him to the nomination. Santorum has been reduced to resemble a blue collar worker and a "novice" in American politics, and he would not even know where to start, given that he was a complete "duffer", when it came to the question of leadership.

That was the quality most preferred by voters in anyone wanting to be the President of the United States; and the two were bereft of that essential element, as a truly convincing speech was able to achieve its objective, at the end of the day, stringently focusing on the subject of leadership.

In short, the speech has striped the rest of the Republican candidates of their prowess to redeem the party's nomination; and if the party establishment did not see it that way, then it was at a loss.

Yet, it did not stop there, but went on to galvanize the support of the American people, regardless of party or no-party affiliation. Even then, that was for starters, as he would be coming forth with more of it on this year's presidential campaign trail. They would be designed to mesmerize voters to no end.

That was Newt Gingrich; and he was brilliant at the CPAC gathering yesterday.

The only person that could make a similar speech was Barack Obama, because he was a lawyer, and he would use his legalese expediency to offset his opponent's academic craftiness.

The Democratic Party might wish to have someone else to be the Republican nominee, it would be a big mistake on its part to take its eyes off Newt Gingrich.

He was, and still is, a dangerous person to contend with, politically; and in any other fashion.

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