Monday, January 30, 2012


Many people laughed in derision, when actress Vanessa Hudgens "suffered a major wardrobe malfunction when her bikini top suddenly popped undone." said the footnote that came with her picture in ABC News.

The subtitle was even funnier, "Vanessa Hudgens' Bikini Oops,"

The picture was on the ABC News homepage (01/28/12), among high profile and national figures, like President Barack Obama, Sen. John McCain, former Sen. Bob Dole, R-Kan and Gov. Chris Christie, who were all talking serious politics.

For example, the president was urging the United States Congress "to act on his proposals to stem the “corrosive influence of money in politics,” and to give judicial and public service nominations “up-or-down” votes." (ABC News).

That had the heading, Obama: "We Weren't Sent Here to Wage Perpetual Political Campaigns.", or another semi-headline that said, "GOP Establishment Mobilizes Against Newt Gingrich.", which had so many of the Republican Party hierarchy establishment bearing down on his (Gingrich's) campaign.

He, Gingrich, was losing ground in the Florida primary polls, "which is in part because of an anti-Gingrich avalanche raining down from members of his own party." ABC News.

Serious topics, weren't they?

Then, as suddenly as it could ever be, a teeny-weeny "pic" of Vanessa appeared on the page, in the corner of the eye; and you would have missed it, if you were not very careful, a very young lady looking excruciatingly beautiful in a colorful bikini.

Somehow, the two diametrically different topics, of politicians dealing with important national issues, and the one of an actress having a good time in the white sands on the beach in Hawaii, made the page itself to be so picturesque, and above all, extremely hilarious.

At first, the picture was very small, but it became enlarged, when you hovered your computer mouse over it.....and WOW; what a picture?

I for one could not take my eyes off Vanessa, who was unbelievably stunning, and looking just like a real mermaid out of the ocean blue. It made me, for one moment or two, or three, forgot about my worries, which were many. Yet, I couldn't care less about them worries for quite a long, long time. I was just gazing at her, completely mesmerized.

I was saying to myself, that the politicians could be hauling bombs and fire at each other; I was taking time off to enjoy my emotions with the picture of this young, gorgeous actress of 23 years of age. (...and I am 77; funny, isn't it?).

Her silhouetting hair blowing in the Hawaiian breeze in the photo-shot, and her truly angelic figure, physically, came out; No, literally jumped off the page to meet the eye of anyone that had the pleasure of seeing her, though on an abstract computer screen, it was almost lifelike; like meeting her in person, face to face.

In all honesty, her looks were just incredibly great; or should the word be "magnificent"?.

I could not wait to see her on a 3D theater movie screen; one of these days.

She made all the politicians on the page to resemble grumpy old men (except, of course, the president).

Boy, what an experience.

You are awesome, Vanessa!

P.S. The original picture has been around, since January, 25th, 2012; but it appeared on the Internet on 01/28/12.

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