Wednesday, January 25, 2012


President Barack Obama's case is one of a simple theory. It is like inheriting a great uncle, who leaves you with a business company of any kind; and before you can do anything with or to it, the outstanding loan(s) must be paid off.

So that, if the value of the business is $100,000 and the loan is $50,000, you have to borrow the second amount to cover it (loan). The first amount is only the equity in the company.

Add that to the running cost of the business, which also has to be borrowed, and you will have a fiscal burden on your hands. You will automatically have a financial hurdle in front of you to surmount; and until that is done, you will not be able to make any cash profit out of the business.

Meanwhile, what do you yourself live on? On borrowed money, naturally.

That is a snapshot of Obama's problems. Since he assumed the office of the presidency of the United States, his work has been cut out for him; and even his situation was worse, because the employees that came with the company, (and that would be the U.S. Congress, in his case), would not lend a helping hand.

They were a "do nothing" bunch; but they have to be paid anyway, because the law demanded it to be so.

The eight or so Trillion dollars that the country had in debt, would have to go up to $15 Trillion dollars, as it presently stood; as spending from borrowed money should continue, or else the U.S. Government would come to a screeching halt.

The president's speech last night did not hinge on the country's fiscal plight; and he did not even mention it, as that would have complicated matters for a whole lot of people.

However, he used the occasion to simplify the overall situation, and went on to say that, if America would use its ingenuity and innovation of old to aid itself, it would remain the economic power that it has always been.

Yet, it (America) was not; for the simple reason that it has all that debt, $15 Trillion dollars of it, hanging over its economy.

The only way to return to that power would be for the outsourcing of investment capital and the creative inventiveness to stop. Those qualities must be brought back home to rebuild America. In other words, the expertise in invention and creativity were within its ordinary people, who have built the magnificent Hoover Dam.

Though, he did not mention the Empire State Building, which was (and still is) an awesome engineering feat; or the computer or the Internet, all being American ideas, through to the ideal iPhone.

He praised the U.S. Armed Forces for maintaining peace around the world; their work was never finished, as they persisted in their effort to make it (world) a better place.

The working men and women were also mentioned, calling them "the middle class", who needed to be rewarded. "Equal work for equal pay," he had said.

His insistence on the wealthy paying their fair share in taxes was not to start a class warfare; but to state that taxes must be shared equally by those, whose investments distinguished them as job creators, and those who labor day and night to support the American way of life.

He indicated that the use of taxes were too numerous to compile; as they formed part of the revenue that was necessary to have, in order to run the country and its affairs effectively and efficiently.

Therefore, each and everyone must proportionately make his or her contribution to the resources that went to make America the attraction of tourists from all over the world.

His eyes were even on clean air and water; and good food for both inhabitants as well as those who came here to visit. Healthy conditions that made America and its people strong did not escape his thoughts.

When it came to the American society, there was no class distinction here; all were one, and so all must work together to achieve the same goals that each person wanted for his or her own family.

A comprehensive immigration law that would make the legal entry into the country to be respected, would be initiated; and border protection got mentioned, to keep the borders safe from drug dealers and terrorists; and from illegal aliens, of course.

To many people, the president's State of the Union address covered all the priorities that required to be covered; including America's dependence on oil, which should be curbed, by opening up our shores for energy exploration, with the development of clean (green) energies of solar and wind, in tow.

In fact, nothing was overlooked, that brought the nation together as one single entity; One Nation.....

That went to demonstrate true leadership, on his part, for America and its future, which should be of more concern to Congress this year, to put the bickering and uncompromising attitude aside, and to allow lawmakers to perform their duty as expected by all citizens; and that was to legislate the laws for making this a great nation as it should be.

With an election year to boot, the U.S. should do well in all spheres of life; politically, economically and socially, if the American people would all cooperate with President Barack Obama.

A first class speech, Mr. President.

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