Saturday, January 28, 2012


The reason why many Republicans, particularly the conservative type, are rooting for Romney to be their party's nominee and wrestle the presidency from President Barack Obama is that they think his riches will influence voters.

He is a Wall Street tycoon, who in that sense will be a good financial expert of some sorts. He can manage the present economy better and reduce the high unemployment rate. Compared to Obama, who has no business background, Romney will attract corporations and investment companies.

Their help is needed to revive the overall economy and put it back on track, as a double recession that many economists are forecasting for the years ahead can be avoided.

Between the two people, Gingrich and Romney, who are running in the Republican Party nomination race, Gingrich is the real conservative, as his views on social issues are more in line with the party's policies than those of Romney.

He, Romney, is considered to be a marginal conservative, when it comes to abortion or homosexual marriage. He has flip flopped on those issues several times over; and people still do not know where his stance is on either or both.

The Right (right wing of the party) has been causing so much damage to the Gingrich campaign in recent weeks, so much so that, Sarah Palin, the erstwhile Vice-presidential candidate on the ticket with Senator John McCain in the 2008 election, has decided to come to his aid.

She thinks that "Gingrich is getting a raw deal from the national media and conservative elite, the very same forces who conspired against her when she was on the national ticket." (Politico, 01/28/12).

Her comment about Peggy Noonan, a conservative writer, is very scathing as she, Noonan, calls Gingrich an “angry little attack muffin.” and that is "hypocritical" on her part; Palin asserts.

Though, she has no official part in Gingrich's campaign, she is being vociferous of what the media is doing to inflict irreparable damage to that effort; and she accuses the conservative establishment of being cruel by saying of Gingrich that,

“They’re trying to crucify this man and rewrite history and rewrite what it is that he has stood for all these years.

However, many cannot agree with her more that Gingrich is far more a better candidate than Romney, especially, when it has been noted that Romney is bereft of being completely honest, where money is concerned.

His connection with Cayman Islands leaves much to be desired of a person, who wants to be president of the United States. His financial holdings there disqualifies him straight away.

Coupled with that, there are rumors of a huge Swiss account belonging to him, which very little or nothing is known about.

“We're not going to beat Barack Obama with someone who owns Swiss bank accounts," says Gingrich.

Also, "Mitt Romney set up shell companies in the Cayman Islands and Bermuda to avoid U.S. taxes." (

All those factors complicate matters for voters, who are caught between which of the two men must be trusted in the Florida primary next Tuesday, and they are looking for a tie breaker of some kind to be able to decide.

At the minimum, Gingrich has his marital problems to grapple with, as some say he is morally insecure; and Romney has his tax returns' measly rate of 15%, out of the millions of dollars he has made only last year as income, to prove his patriotism.

You be the judge.

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