Monday, January 9, 2012


It is not that people are attracted to President Barack Obama for his charisma, his policies are beginning to show signs of being effective, as the unemployment rating has dropped to 8.5% this month.

200,000 individuals were hired in the private sector, indicating that the slump in job hiring was abating to the point that, if the employment rate continued to grow quickly in the span of time between now and election day in November, 2012, his chances for a second term reelection could be assured; for he has been able to energize the economy and bring down the unemployment figures.

His political rivals in the Republican Party's nomination race have been arguing among themselves in the past two days, in debates that were as uneventful as drinking a cup of coacoa in West Africa, where its (coacoa's) fruit was produced.

They would allude to his economic policies, but they would have contradictory comments to make about them.

Romney would say that governments did not create jobs, but private concerns, individuals or companies, did; or that the president was not knowledgeable of how the economy runs; yet he (Obama) was doing fine; while Perry would opine that his own record as governor of Texas showed his ability to create jobs. He would be inclined to reduce unemployment in creating jobs by the load, if he was elected.

So, which was which? Governments created jobs or not?

Look, all those politicians wanted to do was to scar the coastline of the U.S. with oil rigs all over the place and messing up the sublime shores as they were now. The environment would be damaged, as oil spills and accidents would become rampant, just as many scientific studies have indicated or even predicted.

Obama's foreign policy was on the rise and making friends for the United States, with Burma being the latest. The economic sanctions that he initiated through a U.N. resolution against Iran was biting so much so that Iran has become catatonic, for its silly effusion that it would close the Strait of Hormuz; and it, Iran, was gradually becoming isolated by many nations around the globe.

Except, perhaps, for Venezuela, where Hugo Chavez, the Venezuelan leader, was himself paranoid and needed the company of a politically and economically besmeared Iran; otherwise, that country (Iran) has nowhere else to go for sheer comfort.

New Hampshire is a great state and the people are hospitable, but they are hearing the same speeches from the remainder of the Republican field all over again, that the candidates can do better. Yet, how they (candidates) will do so is not clear.

No one is embellishing Obama's achievements, or trying to make him what he is not; however, if the trend shows that he is doing well by getting the slow economy back on track, and being able to reducing unemployment, in spite of the stark opposition by a U.S. Congress that will say "NO" to everything he is doing, then he must be commended for moving the country in the right direction.

If so, then that must be made pretty clear to the American people, especially by the media.

Santorum, the Republican presidential candidate is insisting that there is no class barrier in the U.S., and that Obama's assertion of helping the "middle class" is dividing the country. It is designed to start a class warfare.

Yet, at the back of his mind, he knows for sure that there are those who are wealthy and those who are considered to be working to feed their families. He is also aware that times are hard for the people in that group.

In Obama's view, the wealthy people must not have all the power, economically or in any other way; and that the rights of the ordinary citizen must be protected from laws that are unfair in society, particularly when they affected the working people of America.

Not many people want their tax dollars to be used to fund abortions, or laws for people with different sexual orientation to be recognized. What the majority are interested in is a just and equitable society; one in which no one is above the Constitutional laws of the country.

If that is the country Obama and the Democrats are attempting to build, why must anyone stop them? His critics say that he is a socialists. Well, can we all be conservatives?

There is freedom of choice in America, and that is why many people want to live here and call themselves Americans.

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