Friday, August 21, 2009


The voting in Afghanistan yesterday was a great political achievement for its people. The Talibans aim to keep that nation back, and be pushed into the doldrums of human ecology, must not be allowed to prevail; the voting has surely proved that point.

It is now incumbent on their leadership, whether Karzai or Abdullah, to foment the ideology of democracy in the minds of his people. A representation of the people, by the people and for the people; a system that must not perish from the earth, is the only way to go to procure social and political change that will last.

Any other way will be futile, as the waring factions will only inflict more damage to that country, which has seen more violence than any other nation in that part of the world. Violence that has affected even the ecosystems on which the people can depend and thrive, except for the Opium production that eventually serves them no good.

The Taliban assertion that any social and/or political reform will alter the cultural and spiritual ideologies of Islam must be unacceptable. The women being under subjugation and considered as inferior to men must cease. They must be treated as human beings and be permitted to strive for a better life for themselves and their families, Sharia law or no Sharia law.

They, the women, believe that education is the only avenue that can be pursued, in order to make opportunities available for every person to reach his or her highest potential in life. They are looking for a better place where they can bring up their children in an atmosphere of peace and harmony, first with their own neighbors, and second, with the rest of the world.

Viva Afghanistan. Karzai; Abdullah; take note.

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