Saturday, August 1, 2009


Harvard scholar Gates and Sergeant Crowley met with President Obama on Thursday; the meeting stemming from the racial "fracas" with political connotations that engulfed one of the nation's problems, racial relations, and bringing it to every person's attention for several days. To many, that was another wake-up call, and there have been several, to bring all races together for the best interest of the American people as a whole.

There was no doubt that racism existed in the United States; however, it was also true that it was prevalent in other countries as well, yet as almost as all other issues were concerned, be they social, political or cultural, if America could find a way to ameliorate them, so would the rest of the world go. There would never be a "cure" for racial differences, because they happened to be what they were, differences. What could be done instead would be to insist on a common ground in which all factions could exercise restraint, in cases like the controversy involving a college professor and a police officer in Massachusetts.

In that one, a second officer could have been called in, not for an arrest, but for an instant investigative procedure to take place on the spot, in order to avert any misunderstanding. That would have been Sgt. Crowley's responsibility to call for that kind of assistance, and for the professor to agree to it that a second officer was required to be present at the scene.

What sparked the turmoil, and the consequent media frenzy, was the President's initial comment, using the word, "stupidly" in regard to the arrest; however, to many Americans, that was not a snide remark meant to infuriate anyone at all. It was merely describing a scenario in which restraint was not applied. Period. Any dispute could be settled between a well recognized College Professor and a police officer who happened to be a Sergeant, for both were highly trained. If not, why not?

The coming together, however, was the best idea in many decades, with the White House being a mediator to help bring common sense to prevail; the "Beer Summit", was like the one between Begin and Sadat, with all former enemies finally shaking hands for the sake of peace. For all we knew, it was President Obama's idea, and if so, then we as Americans must join together in congratulating him. Well done, Mr. President.

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