Thursday, August 6, 2009


The Dr. Sagan's baloney detector kit is a set of statements outlining the processes by which issues, such as global warming, can be logically analyzed using both factual (truth) and fallacies to arrive at different conclusions on a topic. It says that there is "no authority in science", and that what is viewed as logic by one scientific observation can also be viewed as being just sheer rhetoric by another.

The list consists of numerous statements made by Dr. Carl Sagan, which can be used by opposing factions to derive answers from several sources to deal with a whole range of idealistic subjects, be they scientific, political and economic, applying diversities in critical thinking to give more than one clarification on or to a problem, or to develop several answers to any type of a question.

Because, there is never a single, correct answer or method; or even a sole distinguishable analogy, that can be used to resolve or unravel any situation, however controversial, questionable or sticky. Just listen to what other people are saying, or even only speculating on, in their thought processes, and there are bound to be several answers or solutions to choose from.

With that said, just read the sentences that follow.

"Try not to get overly attached to a hypothesis just because it is yours".

"Spin more than one hypothesis--don't simply run with the first idea that caught your fancy".

He mentions "Occam's razor", which says, "if there are two hypothesis that explain the data equally well choose the simpler".

"Ask whether the hypothesis can, at least in principle, be falsified (shown to be false by some unambiguous test). In other words, it is testable? Can others duplicate the experiment and get the same result?". Dr. Sagan's Baloney Detection Kit, Based on the book, The Demon Haunted World, Retrieved 08/05/09, Website

These are some of the "jewels" of modern logical thought coming from Dr. Carl Sagan; and they are not on a page at just one website. There are more of them all over the place; and they suggest people to "put on their thinking caps", however insignificantly they may need them, in all circumstances. In other words, they may not compromise just for the sake of compromising.

In a nutshell, look at everything from different angles or perspectives; and consider other peoples' thoughts and how they contribute to the specificity and the analogical response in regard to any matter that is being examined, and its surrounding factors.

It (matter) may require two or more answers, each having a completely divergent, but comparable meaning, and yet all having reasons to rehashing any situation or problem and arriving at not just one solitary conclusion, but as many as possible. The bottom of the matter is reachable, but it does not depend on one mind or on the thinking processes of one individual to get there. What puzzles one person may not end a contoversy, a discussion or a conversation, because a break can come from anywhere; from others who are just listening or casually making observations.

Sagan uses passive and active logic to decipher thought, statement or knowledge; and he does so remarkably well, with such acumen, it boggles the mind. Only a handful of men that have ever set foot on this earth can do so, with such common fervor and scholarly agility, as he.

P.S. The actual title of the essay must have been, SAGAN: BEFORE ECOSYSTEMS AND THE ENVIRONMENT..... He can be described as the SIR BERTRAND RUSSELL of our time. He was a genius.

1 comment:

  1. Baloney Kit Detector available at Richard Dawkins:,3986,RDF-TV---The-Baloney-Detection-Kit,Michael-Shermer-The-Richard-Dawkins-Foundation-Josh-Timonen
