Sunday, August 2, 2009


The health care reform that has been in gridlock on the committee level has now passed and ready to enter the realm of the House of Representatives, and to be debated and dealt with in September by the full House, after members returned from a recess of one month.
The previous weeks have been gruesome for the White House and the three committees that have to review the Obama government proposals for a better health care system for all the people of the United States.

The Blue Dogs travail, whose members numbered 40, nearly dislodged the plan in toto, but for the inner wrangling of the Democratic Party, the White House, Speaker Pelosi and Energy and Commerce Committee chairman Henry Waxman on one hand, and the leaders of the Conservative Blue Dog Democrats on the other, a tentative compromise was finally reached.

Although, the government's argument did not hold sway with all of its own party members, the Republican Party must not attempt to gain or derive any comfort from the grim situation that evolved, because many working people, particularly those in the African-American communities thought that Obama was in the fight for them, while the Republicans were siding with the big Insurance Conglomerates, especially those who have, for most of the time, had a raw deal with the general public.

Their policies would not cover certain health conditions, but they had managed to get folks, who were not conversant with the "small print" in those policies to sign on the proverbial dotted line to commit themselves, and into thinking that the premiums they paid gave them adequate coverage. Their main concern was not that of the patient, but rather it was the stock holder who mattered most; and to them, profits came first in the health care systems they operated. A reform was long overdue, because the status quo could not be permitted to continue. It was not working properly, and in some cases, it was "short changing" members of the public.

However, many news reports were saying that the President's popularity was waning, because "he was doing too much" or "going too fast and therefore he should slow down", owing to the fact that he had so much to deal with, all at same time; such as pushing for a health care reform, almost expeditiously, soon after his first day in office; plus having the Economy, Education, Energy Independence, and the Environment, all on his plate, simultaneously.

We might or we might not agree whether the reports were true, or the percentages dealing with his job performance approval were accurate; but from all assumptions, many thought that he was on the side of the people against the Republicans and the Insurance Industry. That has obviously made him into a hero; and shone a bad light on the Republican Party, to say the least.

What the Republicans could do to regain political support would be for them to come out with their own plan that would appease a majority of Americans; and which would be different from the projections of the insurance companies, being just a dress up of old wounds, merely using bandages; namely, the status quo. That was what President Obama was determined to replace, and on that score, his personal approval rating has not been affected in any way whatsoever, according to many reports too. He also maintained the needed backing of the Democratic majority in Congress.

So, the old saying, "put it in your pipe and smoke it", would be more than an appropriate advise for any member of the Republican Party.

P.S. This Blog is not in the defense business; it tells it like it is. (Apologies to ABC News Organization).

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