Saturday, August 20, 2011


Vacation is for rest and relaxation, and everybody needs one, once in a while, not only for himself or herself, but for the whole family in many cases.

It is a break from the tedium of doing a series of the same things repeatedly, almost everyday; and the respite, from the monotony of those activities, becomes a necessity, otherwise it will affect your health in many adverse ways.

Even presidents need rest from time to time, away from the massive responsibility they carry. They have to refresh themselves, soul, body and spirit, to be able to have a "work to life" balancing existence.

The controversy surrounding President Barack Obama's vacation in Martha's Vineyard is therefore ridiculous.

At the present moment the country is in dire straits, as far as the economy is concerned, and that has to be what Americans and their politicians must mostly worry or care about; to get a whole lot of people, over 15 million of them, working again and paying their taxes to replenish the revenue that the government hurriedly needs.

The main stream media, and particularly Fox News, must stop the nitpicking that goes on in several of their news broadcasts. Their analysts and news contributors, must refrain from using the slightest excuse to criticize Obama; the latest being "Obama's vacation, and the moral it is having on the nation's fiscal status as a whole,".

At first, they were suggesting that he should cut short his vacation to deal with the economic crisis; and to recall Congress, which was in recess, and urge it to tackle the situation with the determination it deserved.

However, they knew very well that members have just gone away from a really hectic session, in the handling of the debt ceiling and deficit reduction problems, and that their vacation days would be rudely interrupted.

The same pundits in the media would then turn around and say that it was a mistake for a recall, and that Congressmen and women were entitled to a well honored break.

They are now attacking the president's own time out of the White House, and comparing his number of vacations with other presidents; by saying that his were more excessive. They also are using his approval ratings, which they assert are pretty low, to get him back to work.

Yet, the president cannot be underestimated, in regard to the seriousness of the economy; and its reparation must be uppermost on his mind. He has set out to have a new plan that will reverse the downward trend of job creation. Unemployment must be reduced with a far reaching proposition; one that will put more people to work and rejuvenate the economy.

Many Americans are thinking that he must be given the opportunity to redress some of his past policies; correct his mistakes, (if he has made any), and brush up on the type of advice he has been having from his financial experts and follow up on them, in terms of getting the economy back on track.

He can do just that, if he is allowed; but his vacation must not be a pretext for his opponents to use to condemn his efforts.

We are not all supporters of Obama, but we must sometimes prepare to give him the benefit of the doubt, even when it comes to his vacation; for he is not out to cheat the country in any way.

He and his family must therefore have the chance to enjoy their short stay in rustic and quiet Martha's Vineyard, from the hubbub of Washington D.C.

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