Tuesday, August 16, 2011


President Barack Obama has been pin pointing what was wrong in Washington D.C., that politics, as being practiced by a majority of lawmakers, has rendered the efforts of Democrats unproductive. It has to be blamed for the nations fiscal illness, so long as the present make-up of the United States Congress remained aloof to sound ideas to enable the creation of jobs to become practical.

That there was no cooperation of any kind from the opposition in both the United States House of Representatives and the Senate. All that his opponents were interested in was to polarize the nation.

It is appalling that most of the media analysts and news contributors are not ready to hear it.

He has been referring to to the attitude of some Republican Party members in the U.S. Congress, who have been blocking several pieces of legislation that could pass to create jobs.

"There are a whole host of ideas that we could be implementing right now that traditionally have had bipartisan support. The only thing that is preventing us from passing them is that there are some folks in Congress who think that doing something in cooperation with me, or this White House, that that somehow is bad politics." , was the president's chant throughout his stops during his bus tour. (CNN Report).

An opposition, which was not constructive, was not a pleasant thing to see. It would do anything to obstruct a government, for the sake of scoring political points, instead of supporting plans that would be beneficial to the citizens of a nation. It would put party ideology before national preference.

That was what the scene on Capitol Hill was, as members of Congress would prefer to be ambivalent to the needs of the country, because their sole aim was to topple the Obama administration.

The Republican National Committee has even been joining in to deride the president's bus tour, which started yesterday, "as nothing more than a campaign event disguised as a public one.", its Chairman said.

However, the whole world knew that the president was out there to tell the truth as he knew it, that the games that the Republicans were playing must come to an end. The country was in serious trouble, as far as the economy went; and that was something, which was handed down to him by a Republican government led by another swaggered Texan, namely, the former President W. Bush.

Not all Americans were against the Republican stand; and not all of them voted for Obama, but the recalcitrant nature of the GOP was not helping the nation one little bit; and its leaders must consider, whether the path they had the country on was good or bad?

That should be the question they should be answering. Its opposition was lopsided and it could damage America's image worldwide, if its members decided to go on a wild goose chase, searching for what would hurt Obama, rather than finding ways and means to be fruitful, in terms of sharing what they knew that would help the country's economy to grow again, so that America would be a better place for all of us.

Should not an opposition be constructive? You be the judge.

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