Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Who gives Charles Krauthammer the audacity to speak like that? He sounds as if he is speaking on Heaven's authority (as if he believes in Heaven), and yet, what comes out is just downright hogwash.

Whatever he thinks he is, we know that he is just an opinion writer for the Washington Post, and that he is a syndicated columnist; but he tends to assume airs of importance, which do not fit his position or personality.

Not everyone voted for President Barack Obama in the last 2008 election, or supported him in anyway; however, he has been given the right by the United States Constitution to lead the country and conduct its affairs as president.

For that reason alone, he must be offered the respect his office demanded; and therefore, one could not just open one's mouth and spout stupid remarks at him.

Charles Krauthammer does not realize the fact that everybody knows that he is doing what he does for money. That he is being paid by somebody to say or write any type of foolishness about his topics, and that he is a hired hand and under the control of those, who have hired him to do their bid. He can influence some of us some of the time; some of us all the time, but not all of us all the time.

However, as much as he will lambaste another person, he must not lie about him or her.

The case in point is the president's speech after the Standard and Poor's downgrade of America's credit rating. He, Obama, did not mention the Tea Party even once, when he was commenting on the reasons that have led the company to do what it did. He was not assigning blame to any entity, except to name a few incidents that have contributed to the present economic state of the country.

In every sense, he was not "passing the buck", and expecting people to believe that natural causes and other uncontrollable events had made the economy to become dysfunctional.

He, Krauthammer, said that was the president's aim; and that Obama was trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the American people. What?

He made that allegation among others on several televisions programs; on Fox News Special Report and in Bill O'Reilly's segment on Fox TV.

He has joined people like Lou Dobbs, Bill O'Reilly and Donald Trump to vilify the president; and said that, "The president's performance on the economy is central to his re-election,".

Those people just wanted to savage him out of hatred; and for racial discrimination, which they have made as collateral in the ongoing political campaign for the 2012 general election.

They were doing so, or they have been hired to accomplish the obnoxious desires of those who want Obama to fail, by lying through their teeth; and maligning him before the American people.

They even called him a "weak" leader; and that the Democratic Party was looking for an alternate candidate to challenge him. That was complete balderdash, and they knew it.

Of course, Obama must do all he can to win his re-election, not because he just wants to be president, but that he has the ability to make America great once again, in spite of his race.

Again, not all of us voted for him in the last presidential election, and not everyone would want him to win a second term; but people, such as Krauthammer, must try and be fair in their political commentary, when their core reference was directed toward the office of the Presidency of the United States; and also toward a particular person, who happened to occupy that office. They should do so out of common decency.

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