Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Dem. Rep. Anthony Weiner has made his point in the several hours he took to tell his story of his stupid, confounding and unnecessary relationships online.

He has said repeatedly that the pictures, as well as the rumors buzzing all over the country, were not his. Yet, only yesterday, he came out with the truth, and made an ass of himself in the process.

He must admit to himself that he has disgraced, not only himself and his family, but also his party, the Democratic Party, the City of New York, his constituents; the people who had voted for him to give him the chance and the honor to represent them in Congress. (Voters sometimes have no choice).

He has failed them miserably, and so, they deserve, not just an apology; but, for Pete's sake, an immediate resignation from his post, as a delegate from Queens in the U.S. House of Representatives.

For days on end, he denied the stories that were coming out from the news media; and particularly, from the Internet, and specifically from Facebook and Twitter, the social networks, where he had made a fool of himself, by cavorting with young females of all kinds.

"Six of them, over a period of three years", he shamelessly confessed.

Now, such behavior could not be regarded as a past time hobby or a passing fancy. It was a trait in his psyche that he had known to be there throughout his life; and he should have received professional treatment for it a long time ago. He was thinking that he could conceal it from everybody else, but he failed to realize that he could not hide it from himself forever; and lo and behold, it has brought him to a point, where his nauseating acts and misdeeds have become more plain than he ever thought possible.

All the filth on Facebook and Twitter has been spilled for public review, and he has no one to blame, but himself.

Moreover, he has abused the trust that thousands of people have placed in him, as being a family man, a respectable individual and a role model for their families, especially, for the young men and women that have had dreams of following in his footsteps.

In fact, he has let everybody down, physically and emotionally; and it could be said that many have lost faith in those who represented the American public in Congress; the decency and strong beliefs in exceptional idealism and excellence of character that the members in The U.S. Congress should demonstrate as public figures; and of whose actions and mannerisms Americans aspire to be proud.

All that grandiose expectation was suddenly at stake in what could only be described as "Weinergate".

This was not a question of human nature making a mistake or two. That did not apply here; but rather a unique flaw found in people who were mentally unstable, and would do anything to feed the insecurity they found in themselves.

One could only feel sorry for his family; its members have been totally disgraced alongside the Congressman, and the best thing they could do for him would be to advise him to seek help, to have medical consultation forthwith.

The scandalous nature of his attitude was beyond reproach. The sending of explicit photos to women online was most unbecoming. There was no denying that he would be facing a Congressional Ethics Inquiry, for using congressional resources to send those improper and indecent photos.

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