Friday, June 17, 2011


Nothing more could be said about Rep. Anthony Weiner than to say that a whole lot of people were very happy to see him go. His resignation yesterday had come almost too late, with respect to infuriating the leadership of the Democratic Party in particular and other such important entities as a whole. He was really tugging the party with him through the mud; so to speak.

When it was reported that he has finally decided to resign, there were smiles on people's faces, and only a few had any good thing to say about the whole episode. Generally speaking, the outcome had a festive kind of air surrounding it.

Public feelings were not mixed at all, as a great majority breathed a sigh of relief, when he, at long last, appeared at a news conference to make the announcement that he was resigning from Congress.

For days on end, he has dominated the news media with his sordid story of exchanging lewd pictures and messages on Internet social networks; and because of his high profile status as a U.S. Congressman, the situation became unsavory and got out of hand.

At first, he categorically denied that he was the person in those pictures, and that an Internet hacker was responsible for posting them at his (Weiner's) Facebook site. However, that was a crime, and he should have reported it instantly to the police. Why did he not do so?

Then a few days later, he changed his story and admitted that those images were his; and that he had continuously had intimate relationships with "Six females over a period of two years," on Facebook and Twitter. Such reprehensible conduct was unbecoming of his stature as a gentleman and a member of the U.S. House of Representatives. He basically knew for a fact that his behavior was not going be tolerated.

The airwaves medium could not restrain itself from going back and forth with the slightest piece of information about him; and so did the print and television versions of the media.

He was interviewed on almost every news channel, not once or twice, but as many times, as the case might be, as three or more times in just one week. The exposure of him was overwhelming; and it had other important matters, such as the economy and unemployment figures being completely overshadowed or ignored.

It (situation) had gotten out of control, when he refused to give up his seat in Congress. Yet, the pressure kept piling up on him to do so; and finally he gave in to it.

Now, whether he did it for laughs or not should not be in question; for he was, and still is, a wise and extremely witty person, and so, he would have plenty of time to reflect on his folly, as well as his unnecessary and unprofitable actions that led to his fate to resign as a New York Congressman.

The question is, can the general public, which has been seemingly victimized by the Anthony Weiner scandal for almost over one month through the media, relax from it all; and can the media themselves follow suit?

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