Wednesday, June 1, 2011


It is still too early to say that the Republican Party's list of candidates will not include Paris Hilton and Commander Mark Kelly, who has just returned safely from his trip to outer space. The question will only be whether they are Republicans or not; and the answer will be, "nobody knows". However, the speculation is as feasible as catching the Subway to go to work in New York City. It happens everyday, come rain or shine; and therefore it will not be a surprise at all, on one hand.

On the other hand, some Iowans have even trekked to New Jersey to convince its (Jersey's) first term governor, Gov. Chris Christie, to join in the sweepstakes that the process has turned out to be; with characters of all shades and form, either by personally getting into the "fracas", or being considered by voters far out in other States to participate. The whole thing is becoming so interesting, it is definitely making politics a part of TV entertainment.

In fact, the atmosphere surrounding the party's exercise to choose a candidate to upset Obama in the fall of next year's presidential election is almost like a program preparing for the primetime Emmy Awards in 2012; and whether it is aiming at winning the Governors Award or Bob Hope Humanitarian Award, no one can tell as yet. Very entertaining, isn't it?

Gov. Chris Christie has turned down the offer once again to run against President Barack Obama; and that gesture coming from "the citadel of American politics" as Iowa is, and turning it down is quite incredible in everybody's estimation. The reason being that no candidate has ever managed to reject an offer of that kind before; for no one can win the White House, now or in the future, without winning Iowa State. It is like biting the finger that feeds you.

Therefore, doing well in Iowa's precinct caucuses is a must for every politician running to become the President of the United States; and for Iowa Republican Party officials to pull out stakes and go to another State to canvass for someone to run for the presidency is extremely unusual. Potential candidates always go to them and not the other way around. So, Gov. Christie is quite a lucky man indeed.

While that is happening, another inspiring aspect of the Republican Party's campaign for an enviable prospect to run for the party is taking shape in Times Square, with a big headline in the media, saying, "Sarah Palin, Donald Trump Meet In New York City Tuesday Night, Eat Pizza,".

They have decided to dine over pizza at the Famous Famiglia Pizzeria; and with them have been Palin's parents and her daughter; and Trump and his wife Melania. They have attracted a great number of onlookers; and with a whole host of bodyguards around them in an area cordoned off with yellow tape, they inevitably enjoyed their meal.

Palin has yet to announce her intentions to run or not to run; but she is on a multi-stop bus tour of the East Coast for now; and that has, by all intents and purposes, become a media event in itself; prompting many people to ask, "Is she counting her chickens before they're hatched or what?".

Well, with Gingrich, Romney, Pawlenty, Paul, Cain, Bachmann and others on board and streaming; what are you waiting for, Hilton or Kelly? It can be your turn; who knows?

We all live to see it.

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