Monday, May 30, 2011


The slate of candidates of the Grand Old Party for the 2012 presidential election seems to be having a pulsating or gyrating fetishism relating to musical chairs surrounding it.

First, it was Donald Trump and Mike Huckabee that hopped on and off; then came Mitch Daniels who said "I could have beaten Obama if I had run", putting himself in the past tense to indicate that there was no real hope for him in the race.

There has been a slew of them, like Newt Gingrich, who has troubled philandering habits in his background; Tim Pawlenty, who has so far failed to impress the general public. He is only well dressed, and he has no philosophy of his own; he has not even made up his mind to back Paul Ryan's medicare plan, which is already in jeopardy, or not.

Others are still hanging on for dear life, like Herman Cain, who has declared his candidacy to about one thousand of his supporters and onlookers on national TV, just to try out and see if he can be considered a viable opponent in anyway; but is he serious? Most people doubt it. All he is after is name recognition; and for what, nobody knows. Anyhow, he looks too old to wait for the 2016 general election.

Those standing around to see if they will hop on or not include Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann and, of course, Mitt Romney, who has been trying to win the Republican Party's nomination once or twice before.

Yet, is there an end to the list of men and women who are vying for position to run against President Barack Obama in 2012? Nay; for all of a sudden, there appear Rudy Giuliani, former New York City mayor and of 9/11 fame; and Texas governor Rick Perry, both of whom intend to get into the mix and challenge Obama.

Now, everybody wants to be president in America, or so it seems; and most people are wondering why it is suddenly so. Are they having the notion that they can beat Obama, or is it that American voters are so gullible, they will fall for anyone who has some credentials of political experience or fortune?

Well, the picture is now clear, that Obama has been in office for less than three years, but he has been able to achieve so much to get an economy in dire straights up and running again. He has managed to get the foremost of all America's industries, of car manufacturing, back on its feet once more.

He also has conducted the kind of foreign policy that puts the U.S. equally at par and on the same forefront with other nations, and not attempting to surpass or lord over them, as previous administrations have always tried to do.

For that reason alone, America is loved, instead of it being envied. He has proved that equality is the name of the game, when dealing with other nations with respect and getting it back. He has quieten Al Qaeda by getting rid of its leader Osama Bin Laden.

In other words, he has a good record that can withstand any challenge; and besides, he has gained experience on issues that are nationally important to the American voter, because he has been able to toe the mainstream political line; thus not capitulating to the so called left, as most have been thinking he will do.

He has been very cautious of that fact; and if he continues in that mode, he will win again in 2012, no matter who will be his Republican challenger. He now has a record he can defend; and no one must put it past him that he is not ready to fight back any unnecessary onslaught, where his record is concerned.

Putting it another way, he will be able and, at the same time, tough on those that are willing to confront him on anything, come November 2012. We all live to see it.

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