Saturday, May 28, 2011


Lining up all the potential Republican Party candidates for next year's general election makes political forecast a science. American voters now have to sift through a host of "can be" and "cannot be" persons to figure out the one who will be a fitting challenge for President Barack Obama.

The fact being that, there must be just one person, and only one person, that will be involved in the faceoff with the present occupier of the White House; but it has become quite obvious that none of his challengers has the wherewithal to lead the country; on policies, from achieving low level unemployment numbers through to making America safe from future terrorism.

Not Newt Gingrich; not Mitt Romney; not Tim Pawlenty; or any of the president's opponents has come up with a straight forward plan that can replace Obama's foreign policy, economic solutions, legal postures to deal with the Gitmo (Guantanamo) detainees, border security and immigration reform, the strategy to overhaul Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Iran's quest for nukes; you name it, and it is, and will be waiting for them in the Oval Office.

Whatever remains for the nation to face still lurks in the future; but is it clear if any of these people is capable? Americans seem to be entertaining a great deal of uncertainty; if not outright doubt.

Why? Because there are too many of them; and although, it is too early to predict the shape of how the person who comes up on top will be like, in his or her campaign to oust Obama. The reason is simple, and it is that, they are fumbling over each other, and none of them seems to have time for anything else, but only for himself or herself. Is that not ridiculous?

Besides, on the one hand, they are vilifying Obama; yet, on the other hand, no constructive criticism has been put forth by any of them, so far.

One is bound to think that the RNC (Republican National Committee) is in disarray, and whether it will eventually be able to choose between any of these candidates to carry their party to any semblance of winning the 2012 general election has become a monumental task.

One thing they all have in common is what they are saying, that the country needs new leadership; and that it (country) is moving in the wrong direction. However, the question still remains if any of them is cut for that role or has the knack to steer the country's affairs in any other way. Can any of them turn this country around?

Well, that is not for one person who is sitting in his livingroom and typing away to speculate on. That will be the job for American voters to judge them individually, and be able to single out one that will live up to their expectation, come November, 2012. We all live to see it.

These candidates are having their say, as the country's democratic system permits; and they can be as vociferous as they wish in whatever they say; but to most people, America is presently doing its best to compete vigorously with all other nations.

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