Monday, May 9, 2011


I was going to give credit to President H.W. Bush as the one who established a "new world order" by invading Grenada, until I decided to expand my research and discovered that I was wrong. It was actually President Ronald Reagan, in 1983, who made that decision; with H.W. Bush as his Vice-President.

He ordered the invasion of a little independent Caribbean Island, "fearing the encroachment of Communism in the Western Hemisphere."

As it happened, Communism was an anachronism; an evil concept. Banal and deprived of liberty. An arch enemy of peace; it would enhance totalitarianism and would render many countries to be subservient to Moscow. Finally, the fall of the U.S.S.R., which it became known as, was great.

Then came President H.W. Bush's turn to launch the latest invasion of Panama in 1989; to cause the ouster of a dictator; and thus creating a new world order, which was in principle, a continuation of what Reagan had started.

Then came President W. Bush's turn; (he is still the son of H.W. Bush). He was the one who ordered the invasion of Iraq, setting up a new world order, which was not new at all, for it linked the world to the Reagan initiative.

All in all, the aim and objective of those invasions were one and the same in each case; "to bring a mode of behavioral acceptance of conduct by individual states, nations or countries, based on civil norms."

However, the world, with the United Nations as its main back-up instrument or coordinator, did not see the pattern, for they (invasions) were for establishing true peace; to bring all nations in line to adhere to a clear set of rules governing political conduct, in addition to basic diplomacy, in the entire world.

For that reason alone, the U.N. should have readily embraced that notion. It was a succinct and a noble remedy that would be beneficial to easily counteract terrorism and bad governance almost everywhere. (Hopefully, it must not be too late for the U.N. to resign itself to that notion).

In other words, to bring that about, those American presidents attempted to set a precedent for the rest of the world to emulate; for they foresaw the need to maintain peace, by way of good conduct. They would do so, even through military means, when there was a threat to democratic principles anywhere, as in the case of Grenada; or to quieten a despot who was bullying his own citizens and causing a disturbance to world peace. (Manuel Noriega).

It must be made clear that those invasions were not for the domination or colonization of any nation; but for the sole idea that there would be peace in the world, if all nations conformed to decency and the rule of law; which were, in a nutshell, the essence of civilization.

America has sought for peace, since its inception on the world's political stage; and it has continued to do so even long before World War 2. At the same time, it endeavored to become the most powerful nation on earth; with the intent of building a platform, not to macromanage world affairs; but to use it on the lookout for its own security, and to be acutely responsible for its own peace of mind in a rather turbulent world. Self reliance was the best strategy.

Thus, the concept of peace was first and foremost to American governments; and protecting it was wise.

That was what made America strong; and that was why it was still seen all around the globe fighting to maintain it. No nation, in the history of the world, has ever done so before or could compare; and there would never be one. America stood alone on that score.

They (Presidents) recognized that reconciling responsibility with conduct could be the mainstay for peace in the world; and it could only be carried out by a nation, whose strength stemmed from selfless ambitions. They believed a uniquely kind of selflessness was required for achieving true peace, and cultivating that idealism was essential to their cause.

It was all so difficult to successfully deal with world affairs peaceably without strong principles. It was even more so, bringing many nations to come to a common understanding, to conduct themselves properly; judging from the nature of humans occupying the surface of the earth today, being oblivious to good mannerisms, and being farther removed from the idea of peace.

With governments and regimes, which catered, for most part, to violence, war and greed to achieve their own selfish ends. Despots and dictators, who realistically survived on brutalizing their own people, and hiding behind diplomatic cover for self protection and preservation; there was very little left to take any chance on by those American presidents. A disorderly world was not what they envisaged; for they wanted a peaceful world mainly for their citizenry too.

Presently, the baton has been passed to President Barack Obama, whose ideological views were quite stringent before he took office; for he had a different perception of how the world looked like from the Oval Office in the White House, until now.

It surely was a totally different view held previously by him; however, from all vicissitudes, he would have to be flexible and come to the conclusion that, he has very little choice, but to continue on the same lines, and in the same spirit from where his predecessors left off, with their insatiable quest for peace in the world, without much deviation.

Hence, his order for the invasion of Libya to overthrow another despot.

It would be a plus, as those before him were determined to accomplish, for The United States of America. Their vision of a strong nation, as America should be, always ready to defend the oppressed and maintain the peace, should remain unequalled.

When that was realized, a "new world order" of peace for humanity would be in place; and so unfurling the flag of freedom, and seeing to it to be flying high everywhere. One nation, resisting atrocity and disturbance, on behalf of all nations

A reminder of which the ultra terrorist group, Al Qeada, was a vivid example for being in ruins by all standards; demonstrating that being an adversary of the United States did not pay in any way. Putting its leadership to shame and out of commission was a feat for which many thanks should be given him; President Barack Obama.

An inheritance to be a "policeman" in the world, and to keep the peace has been handed down to him; and he must do all in his power to uphold it. Americans could hear him recalling the biblical words of Psalm 120:7, "I am for peace, but when I speak, they are for war."
He would be speaking for all freedom and peace loving people.

Peace has always been a tricky idealism; Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain thought he had it from his trip to Berlin in 1939, but it was just on paper. However, American Presidents have always sought it in reality, in order to make the world a better place. This should therefore be President Obama's turn to pursue it, to maintain America's legacy for "peace in our world".

P.S. Police = Peace. (It may have other meanings; but "a peace officer" gives one a clear meaning of the word).

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