Friday, November 27, 2009


President Obama will be announcing his long awaited additional troop deployment in Afghanistan in a prime time speech to the nation on Tuesday night delivered at the U.S.Military Academy at West Point. What he will actually say is yet unknown, but it will include a "way out" statement, as White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs has told reporters that, "The president does not see this as an open ended engagement," and " Our time there will be limited. And I think that is important for people to understand."

Many people want no military commitment by the United States in Afghanistan, let alone an additional troops that have been requested by Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the top commanding officer at the war front. Yet, they will have no solution to the ideological catastrophe that has been caused by extremist Islamic Jihadists, using the propaganda that they are at war with "the devil", in reference to America in particular and its allies in general; and thus culminating into terrorism around the world, with attacks against the U.S. on several occasions; from the bombing of the "Cole" through to the attacks in New York City, Washington D.C. and elsewhere on 9/11, 2001. (The United Kingdom, Spain and other countries have had their share of such terror attacks).

The plots to formulate those attacks have always led to persons in that region of the world, such as Usama Bin Laden, who has been protected by the Taliban, and nobody still knew his whereabouts; and thus indicating that the national security of the U.S. would always come into question, when a militant insurgency, as the one in which the Taliban and its cohort Al Qaeda were engaged in, was brewing in that same geographical area, and therefore its (U.S.'s) focus should be on eliminating any threats that the situation might present.

That should be the main target before a way out strategy that Press Secretary Gibbs was expecting the president to countenance or concentrate on in his speech. After all said and done, who would want the U.S. military forces to be fighting unnecessary wars? We all would want them home with their families, as they themselves would want to lead normal lives just as every American; "In the land of the free, and the home of the brave."

However, they are required to protect the nation's interests, wherever that (requirement) is needed; and therefore they must be encouraged to do what they know is their first and foremost duty.

That must not be a "way out" before a "defense" plan, but the other way around, to indicate to the enemy, whoever that may be, of America's determination to defend itself, when it is prompted to do so anywhere in the world.

To achieve that end, the Commander-in-Chief must always exhibit and exude courage in every speech he makes to the U.S. men and women in uniform. He must not be boasting or showing aggrandizement of any type, shape or form; no, far from that kind of portrayal; but that retreat is the last thing he must be thinking about.

Others already understand that the U.S. must not be taken for granted; that it will enter into any dialog with peace in mind, negotiate for a compromise in any dispute; but be ready to deal with its enemies, forthright. So, you are wrong, Press Secretary Gibbs.

The president must be courageous, and tell it like it is.

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