Thursday, November 19, 2009


The stage is set for the controversial Health Care reform legislation, that has balked several times in both the House and the Senate chambers in Congress, to emerge as a tangible venture; with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid revealing his long awaited bill on Wednesday. It will need the 60 votes to get it ready for debate, and that is the hurdle left in the legislative process to bring it to the floor for lawmakers to haggle over its final outcome.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, has had the help of White House officials in almost secretive negotiations to choose the parts of two committee-passed bills in order to produce the proper wording that would satisfy moderate Democrats, having Senators Mary Landrieu, Ben Nelson and Blanche in mind, to agree to offer support in getting the bill to be debated, and to realize the procedural vote that could push it through the final stage, and to allow it to be combined with the House approved version, which was passed on a near party-line vote of 220 to 215.

Health Care reform has been President Obama's agenda, since the campaign of 2008 presidential election, and it would be hard pressed on his party to find a bill that would bring relief to more people to have health care insurance coverage than at present, even with skyrocketing costs and expenditures standing in the way. Although, there was the proclivity of the Republican Party to oppose any plan that would be government sponsored, backed by the huge side-line tactics by private insurance corporations to prevent a Public Option program that would be used to sign up all comers; however, the promise was made, and therefore it must be kept.

In other words, the Senate version could also pass, but the procedure to have a health care reform would just have started, when the Senate bill would reach the committee stage, and then the battle to get a legislation to become law, was what the public should be ready for. It would be gruesome, with all the arguments, for and against, being slung everywhere, and legislators would bare their fangs to claw each other's eyes out.

However, the Conference Committee should prepare to absorb the heavy blows of criticism that would be inevitably unavoidable, and proceed to get a merger bill that would pass in both chambers for the president to sign into law.

That would be the compromise the country needed to stop the divisiveness that was tearing it apart. Lawmakers owe that to the American people; to their peace of mind, sanity and the decorum to carry on with their lives.

A better health care, tomorrow.

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