Wednesday, November 4, 2009


"The die is cast"; and the die will be cast everywhere from now on. This blog has said that to say what a great majority of Americans have always held as sacred, the institution of marriage; and of all the electioneering results, although the Virginia and New Jersey gubernatorial winnings by the Republican candidates have been outstanding, the most triumphant winning was the one in Maine where voters rejected a homosexual marriage law enacted by a legislature.

Many of the outcomes have been literally based on local issues, on corruption, high taxes and unemployment, as in the case of New Jersey, where millionaire governor Jon Corzine lost to a former anti-corruption state attorney Chris Christie, who had fought a grueling fight of one of the most negative prone political campaigns ever witnessed on both sides, as far as the Republican and the Democratic parties were concerned. His weight had even become part of the political profile of the important questions that voters were considering.

The two defeats, the one in Virginia and the other in New Jersey, where the Democratic Party lost, have been classified as referendums on the Obama government, as he, the president vigorously campaigned for his party's candidates; but both of them ended up losing.

Those runs were both for governorships and that dealt a crushing blow to the Democrats in general, and also forecasting an unwelcome outlook for the president to see many of his proposals, particularly on Health Care reform, to pass through Congress, as he envisaged.

In New Jersey, Christie won by 48% to 44% for Corzine; and in Virginia the margin was even greater, with the Republican Robert McDonnell gaining a whopping 58% of the votes against 41% by his opponent R. Creigh Deeds. The only slight consolation for Obama's party was the seat in New York State, where, due to certain misgivings within the Republican party, caused a democrat to be declared the winner.

The Congressional District seat there was vacant for the Republicans to grab, but the official candidate Dierdre Scozzafava dropped out for lack of support from party stalwarts, like former Governor Sarah Palin and others, who backed a third-party candidate, Conservative Doug Hoffman.

All in all, the Maine defeat for homosexual "marriage" takes the cake, as being the 31st loss for that group in every single state where the issue has been put to a popular vote. It has been given that they (homosexuals) can do whatever they want with their lives, and also that several options have been made available to them, such as "domestic partnership" and "civil union". They can take them or leave them; it is up to them.

Marriage will have no meaning, if a section of society concogted some foolish idea that same sexes can get married to each other, and that will not have a bad effect on life as we all know it, that section has another thing coming. Homosexuals and their "loving" their members, in itself, is no big deal; but they can only do so within their own privacy, just as heterosexuals do. They can also get involved in the options open to them.

Please, do not attempt to destroy marriage between one man and one woman. It is sacred and it is God given. (It is also Nature approved). The die is cast, once again. Good show, Maine voters. BRAVO!!!!

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