Monday, July 27, 2009


Senator Lindsey Graham has never failed to surprise us; not even himself, on several national issues, one of which happened to be the nomination of Judge Sotomayor to become a Justice of The Supreme Court of the U.S.A.

He was the one who pointed out to Judge Sotomayor that, had he said what she had consistently said on the bench, he would be disqualified for any appointment in the nation. Good.
He was the first who got Judge Sotomayor to admit that she did not have any inkling (knowledge) of Military Law. Good.
He was also the first that questioned her about the detainees at the Guantanamo Detention facility, and how their cases should be legally handled in the realm of national law, and the fact that America was constantly facing terrorist situations, at home and abroad, and fighting two wars at the same time; to which her answers were somewhat floundering, to say the least.

Yet, this past Sunday, he was quoted on one of the television news programs that he intended to vote for Madam Sotomayor, in her bid to become a Justice. How come?

We all know why President Obama nominated her, and that it was just because she happened to be a Hispanic; period. There were so many who were more qualified than her, but for political reasons, and her ethnicity, the nomination went her way. That should disqualifies her; period.

If people were going to be appointed because of their race, ethnicity, political background, etc. only, then America would be having a big problem on its (her) hands; and besides, that would be unconstitutional; period. However, that was what we were presently seeing in Washington D.C.

On the contrary, people would not hold that against President Obama, because he was definitely advised to do so. Nevertheless, on one hand, if Judge Sotomayor has been found to be prejudiced, although on the other hand, she has been a Judge for several years; then irrespective of the length of time on the bench, she ought not in any way be considered as fit to be on the Supreme Court; period.

Americans are looking for someone who will interpret the law according to the Constitution of the United States; period. A prejudiced person cannot do so; period. So, out with Judge Sotomayor; and thanks to Senator Lindsey Graham for bringing that into the open. Vote No.

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