Thursday, July 30, 2009


What is all the hullabaloo, in regard to President Obama's health care plan, about? The common man and woman in the street are anxious to know, because the newspapers are full of comments about it; Network Television and Cable news will not stop bringing it up; the radio, with its numerous stations, is having a real ball with it. Nothing is being allowed to go over anybody's head when it comes to the Obama health care plan before Congress now.

In Congress itself, the Blue Dog Democrats, among whom are Representatives Mike Ross, Baron Hill, Frank Pallone, Charles Melancon, etc. are holding up the efforts of the House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Democratic Majority leader Steny Hoyer, who firmly support the President's Health Care Plan. They (Blue Dog Dems.) are holding the plan "Ransom" on the Committee level and driving the House Energy and Commerce Chairman Henry Waxman, up the wall.

"Ross describes two weeks of intense negotiations eight hours a day that "quite frankly have been just a big blur." He gives White House Chief of Staff, Rahm for facilitating negotiations between two opposing ideological camps, the Blue Dogs on the one hand, and Pelosi and Energy Committee chairman Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) on the other.", Romano L., Washington Post Staff Writer, July 29, 2009. Web site

What is the problem?

During the 2008 Presidential Campaign, Candidate Senator Obama promised his listeners that his comprehensive health plan would be the same as the kind that he and the rest of Congressmen and Congress women were receiving presently.

So now, how does his health care proposals differ from what he had promised the voters; and why are some of his own party members raising hell about it? Can it be possible that it (health plan) is nowhere near his own health care coverage? Has his listeners been offered a pie in the sky, and if so, why? An empty promise given to get elected? Or whether the Blue Dog Democrats are jealous, and they do not want their health coverage to be extended to all Americans.

These are some of the questions that are hanging over the President's head, and the citizenry need answers and nothing else. In other words, all the President has to do to quell the hullabaloo is to keep his promise; then nobody will be able to oppose his plan, and there will be peace and quiet.

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