Friday, July 24, 2009


The arrest of Dr. Henry Gates, Jr. was a local law enforcement issue, and it has suddenly acquired a national exposure, just because President Obama commented on it. He has every right to do so, because he might be a friend of Dr. Gates, and when the news report came out, he gave the police a piece of his mind.

Yet, people like Glenn Beck of FOX News, has been attacking the President for making what he (Beck) regarded as "impromptu" remark; and for that he has been lambasting the President for days on end.

Who is Glenn Beck anyway; and what does he stand for? He has never ran for office before, and nobody knew him until he appeared on radio, and now on television. His style has been to make things difficult for President Obama, and to "throw a spanner in the works" for him, since he took office as President of the U.S.A.

Now, the question is why? Is it because he is an African-American?

Well, we all know that there are a lot of "Becks" out in the citizenry, and what they are espousing is for the first black President of the country to fail; however, that is wrong.

Obama came at the right time for America to move on into a new era in which racism would be obliterated, if not outlawed completely, for the sake of posterity.

Slavery has given the nation a bad name, and it has been that way for centuries; and now, it has to be corrected for America to become what it really stood, and must stands, for, "that all men are created equal", and therefore there must be no exception. There must be equal opportunity for everyone, no matter what his or her skin color.

That is the future America should look forward to, and not to entertain retrogressive people, as Beck is; and who is not as smart and well informed as Charles Gibson of ABC television, or Bret Hume, also of FOX News.

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