Friday, July 31, 2009


The "meet" between President Obama, Professor Gates and Police officer Sgt. Crowley took nobody by surprise, because its popularity had preceded its occurrence by the media. In fact, the event was of the media, by the media and for the media, as the news of it played out on the front page of newspapers for days; the Network television and Cable (as well as Satellite and Dish) news formats made it a priority to announce it, and not withstanding radio broadcasts, which made it the first item on their news bulletins.

The general population was agog to see it happening, because it was thought that the issue was more divisive than just an ordinary incident that took place in a Massachusetts suburb. It had racial connotations all over and around it, and it was making everybody more uncomfortable than usual, including the President, of course.

A Caucasian police officer arresting an African-American senior professor and ending in the professor being put in handcuffs. A sad, sad scenario in terms of publicity.

The case was so racially sensitive, it touched the nerves of everybody; that of the Cambridge Police Department, the people in Harlem, New York, The Chicago's Magnificent Mile, the blustery plains of North Dakota, the Bible Belt of the South. The ruckus became so widespread, and eventually affecting every corner of the earth (thanks to the media).

It was being loaded with both positive and negative comments from all quarters of social, political and economic arenas; and it became wildly disturbing for all politicians, as well as for the common man and woman in the street.

However, the President did a very good thing, announcing a meeting for all the principal players at the White House, to discuss the matter over a glass of beer. By doing so, he brought the whole incendiary situation down to the level of ordinary folk having to settle a quarrel over a cool drink; thus defusing the problem into the size of a "palaver", for what it should have been in the first place. BRAVO, President Obama.

What, however, satisfied many people was that it (meeting) became a pantomime for the media, their cameras and microphones. They could only see from afar, but they could not hear anything being spoken by either the President or the special invitees. Nevertheless, the ranting continues on the "News outlets" as usual. Unbelievable!!!!

Thursday, July 30, 2009


What is all the hullabaloo, in regard to President Obama's health care plan, about? The common man and woman in the street are anxious to know, because the newspapers are full of comments about it; Network Television and Cable news will not stop bringing it up; the radio, with its numerous stations, is having a real ball with it. Nothing is being allowed to go over anybody's head when it comes to the Obama health care plan before Congress now.

In Congress itself, the Blue Dog Democrats, among whom are Representatives Mike Ross, Baron Hill, Frank Pallone, Charles Melancon, etc. are holding up the efforts of the House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Democratic Majority leader Steny Hoyer, who firmly support the President's Health Care Plan. They (Blue Dog Dems.) are holding the plan "Ransom" on the Committee level and driving the House Energy and Commerce Chairman Henry Waxman, up the wall.

"Ross describes two weeks of intense negotiations eight hours a day that "quite frankly have been just a big blur." He gives White House Chief of Staff, Rahm for facilitating negotiations between two opposing ideological camps, the Blue Dogs on the one hand, and Pelosi and Energy Committee chairman Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) on the other.", Romano L., Washington Post Staff Writer, July 29, 2009. Web site

What is the problem?

During the 2008 Presidential Campaign, Candidate Senator Obama promised his listeners that his comprehensive health plan would be the same as the kind that he and the rest of Congressmen and Congress women were receiving presently.

So now, how does his health care proposals differ from what he had promised the voters; and why are some of his own party members raising hell about it? Can it be possible that it (health plan) is nowhere near his own health care coverage? Has his listeners been offered a pie in the sky, and if so, why? An empty promise given to get elected? Or whether the Blue Dog Democrats are jealous, and they do not want their health coverage to be extended to all Americans.

These are some of the questions that are hanging over the President's head, and the citizenry need answers and nothing else. In other words, all the President has to do to quell the hullabaloo is to keep his promise; then nobody will be able to oppose his plan, and there will be peace and quiet.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


The Senate Judiciary Committee's roll-call vote yesterday, Tuesday 7/28/2009, for the confirmation process of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to be debated on the Senate floor, will go down in history, just as anything else. The Headlines this morning are saying her approval will be certain, despite GOP opposition; and we all agree, due to the obvious fact that the Democrats form a great majority or The Super Majority in the Senate.

However, many citizenry who watched the proceedings on the Internet had different thoughts going through their minds, and some were bound to think about the Founding Fathers of the nation now called the United States of America. The question would then arise in their minds, "Are the Founding Fathers the same to everybody?"; and "Is the meaning of the Constitution the same to everyone?".

Needless to say that the answer would be "No"; and many would say that the real Founding Fathers thought of that too; and so, they wrote the Constitution in one particular language, English, so that no one could change its (U.S.Constitution) meaning or translate it in any other form, language included.

However, another question would arise, "Would everybody hold the English language in the highest esteem to recognize that the contents of the Constitution could never be altered?".
They were surely thinking about the future; about times as the one which was witnessed in the Senate Judiciary Committee only yesterday. Who could then blame them? They had other ethnic groups around them, but they did not invite any of them to help in its (Constitution's) formulation or to add any other language to it. They did it to ensure that their pattern would be strictly followed and adhered to by future posterity.

Yet, would that be possible? The answer to that question could only come from those who spoke the English language, or made it the "Unofficial" but the standard language of U.S.A. Now, those people were "inviting" others to infiltrate the defense the Founding Fathers built. They were allowing someone like Sonia Sotomayor, who we all knew had a completely different cultural and ethnic background, to climb to the highest office in the judiciary system of the land. Why?

It is true that all must be considered equal before the law; and all must be offered the same opportunities. Nevertheless, the question must arise, "Can we trust everybody to hold dear the aspirations of the Founding Fathers?".

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


The Senate Judiciary Committee is to vote today on Supreme Court Nominee Sonia Sotomayor; and we all know who this person is; condescending, repulsive, abusive, prejudiced. Most of the lawyers appearing in her courtroom must always be ready to be berated by her.

In short, her reputation always went ahead of her, but the Democrats who nominated her would not give a damn, and would just proceed to vote for her nomination to the Supreme Court.

Some people are outraged by the behavior of those who are voting on "party lines", and so long as the nominee happens to belong to their political party, they will just make sure that the nomination goes through unabated. However, is that good for the country?

What is good for the country is what we all want; but is Judge Sotomayor good for the nation's highest Court? Many are emphatically saying NO!!!!

Monday, July 27, 2009


Senator Lindsey Graham has never failed to surprise us; not even himself, on several national issues, one of which happened to be the nomination of Judge Sotomayor to become a Justice of The Supreme Court of the U.S.A.

He was the one who pointed out to Judge Sotomayor that, had he said what she had consistently said on the bench, he would be disqualified for any appointment in the nation. Good.
He was the first who got Judge Sotomayor to admit that she did not have any inkling (knowledge) of Military Law. Good.
He was also the first that questioned her about the detainees at the Guantanamo Detention facility, and how their cases should be legally handled in the realm of national law, and the fact that America was constantly facing terrorist situations, at home and abroad, and fighting two wars at the same time; to which her answers were somewhat floundering, to say the least.

Yet, this past Sunday, he was quoted on one of the television news programs that he intended to vote for Madam Sotomayor, in her bid to become a Justice. How come?

We all know why President Obama nominated her, and that it was just because she happened to be a Hispanic; period. There were so many who were more qualified than her, but for political reasons, and her ethnicity, the nomination went her way. That should disqualifies her; period.

If people were going to be appointed because of their race, ethnicity, political background, etc. only, then America would be having a big problem on its (her) hands; and besides, that would be unconstitutional; period. However, that was what we were presently seeing in Washington D.C.

On the contrary, people would not hold that against President Obama, because he was definitely advised to do so. Nevertheless, on one hand, if Judge Sotomayor has been found to be prejudiced, although on the other hand, she has been a Judge for several years; then irrespective of the length of time on the bench, she ought not in any way be considered as fit to be on the Supreme Court; period.

Americans are looking for someone who will interpret the law according to the Constitution of the United States; period. A prejudiced person cannot do so; period. So, out with Judge Sotomayor; and thanks to Senator Lindsey Graham for bringing that into the open. Vote No.

Sunday, July 26, 2009


The Gates arrest continues to gather storm in the media, with Sunday News programs devoting 40% of their time to scrutinize it, review it, comment on it, and infuse into it what they think; blame, culpability, insinuation, and so on and so forth.

Is all that infusion necessary, when the real issue is that President Obama has got so much to deal with, in terms of Health Care Reform, the Economy, Unemployment, etc., and therefore he is to be given the peace of mind he needs to graple with these important problems? Is the media taking control of our lives; although we know that they have already taken control of the airwaves and are able to put out whatever information they wish; but do we, as an audience, have to accept that?

President Obama himself has come out to say that he " calibrated his words differently", which meant that he could have used any other set of words to react to the incident. Like, "irrationally", "grotesquely", "foolishly" or any number of English verbiage only to be wordiness.

He has the audacity to speak as he chooses, just as any of these commentators has the right to say what he or she likes, so long as it falls into the purview of FCC regulations. Yet, their harping on a local Cambridge, Massachusetts issue is ridiculous. Or are they just trying to fill the time with something which has the name Obama involved, just to produce a news program? Who are they fooling?

Most people are not as rich as some of these media personalities who have large financial interests, in the form of big contracts, with the Networks, and therefore they can spend much of their time to besmirch the people they dislike or disapprove of, on the radio and/or television.

However, is that the smartest thing to do on a Sunday morning? Most people do not think so; but they want to listen to what is beneficial to them and their families. Media frenzy is complete balderdash to them, and that is the last thing they want to watch, or listen to, or encourage.
Please, leave President Obama alone, media.

Saturday, July 25, 2009


I am an African-American, but I did not vote for Obama; however, the idea that he had spoken his mind, with respect to a police arrest of a college Professor, and for that reason his image has been affected in any way is absurd.

We all know that racism is a very sensitive issue, and there should not be any reason to stir it up on the slightest of pretexts; yet, it still stares us in the face, each and every single day.
We also know that there is no cure for it. You are what you are, and I am what I am.
Yet, people want Obama to forget about racism or put it at the back of his mind now that he is President of the U.S.

The rational being that his position compels him to be a unifier of all citizens, no matter what their color, cultural backgrounds or political philosophies.

Good; but remember that he is also human, and he is liable to face reality as it presents itself, and to be able to share his thoughts on any subject or topic, whenever he finds that necessary.

That was exactly what he did. He did not insult anyone; not the police officer who made the arrest or his department or the Police Union. Nevertheless, he is being adviced to eat crow.

For crying out loud; for what?

Does not racism exist in this coutry? Does not racial profiling take place in this society?

Of all the people that are asking the President to kowtow to the whim and caprice of the law enforcement profession, the most surprising is Juan Williams of National Public Radio, and a regular FOX News television contributor. What has come over him, nobody knows; but he, in this particular instance, is acting as a Jim Crow law enthusiast; and all African-Americans must feel sorry for him.

Although, Obama is now the President of the U.S.A.; and whether he likes it or not, he stands for unity, in regard to the citizenry of the nation; however, for him to forget that he is a blackman is an impossibility.

He has done the right thing, and that is to invite both parties to the White House over a drink, and probably for him to know more about the incident. Bravo, Mr. President.

His image tarnished? NO. Apologize? NO. To most fair minded people, his image is intact.

Friday, July 24, 2009


The arrest of Dr. Henry Gates, Jr. was a local law enforcement issue, and it has suddenly acquired a national exposure, just because President Obama commented on it. He has every right to do so, because he might be a friend of Dr. Gates, and when the news report came out, he gave the police a piece of his mind.

Yet, people like Glenn Beck of FOX News, has been attacking the President for making what he (Beck) regarded as "impromptu" remark; and for that he has been lambasting the President for days on end.

Who is Glenn Beck anyway; and what does he stand for? He has never ran for office before, and nobody knew him until he appeared on radio, and now on television. His style has been to make things difficult for President Obama, and to "throw a spanner in the works" for him, since he took office as President of the U.S.A.

Now, the question is why? Is it because he is an African-American?

Well, we all know that there are a lot of "Becks" out in the citizenry, and what they are espousing is for the first black President of the country to fail; however, that is wrong.

Obama came at the right time for America to move on into a new era in which racism would be obliterated, if not outlawed completely, for the sake of posterity.

Slavery has given the nation a bad name, and it has been that way for centuries; and now, it has to be corrected for America to become what it really stood, and must stands, for, "that all men are created equal", and therefore there must be no exception. There must be equal opportunity for everyone, no matter what his or her skin color.

That is the future America should look forward to, and not to entertain retrogressive people, as Beck is; and who is not as smart and well informed as Charles Gibson of ABC television, or Bret Hume, also of FOX News.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


What happened a few months ago, when a young and beautiful American girl answered a question on whether men should marry men, and in some aspect, women should marry women, sparked a whole lot of controversy owing to the response she gave; that in her view, such an arrangement was culturally unacceptable. To many people, however, she was doing exactly what was expected of bright young person.
She was speaking her mind without any hesitation, because that was what many Americans were taught, and which was part of her up bringing.
Free speech is not just a First Amendment Right; it is natural. To prevent anyone from using his or her natural ability to speak must be declared illegal.
People talk about an open-minded society, and say that is what progressive social advancement is all about; yet, they forbid someone like Carrie Prejean from expressing her views. If they are not ready for outright and straightforward answers, they should not ask stupid questions.
It is just like forcing someone to tell a lie; and that is being practiced by some citizens. Why?