Friday, July 22, 2011


"Cut, Cap and Balance" plan by Republican members of the United States House of Representatives has no chance of becoming law, as it cannot pass the Senate, because the plan's objective is to obliterate parts of the traditional safety net programs, like Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security.

The support that the plan had has suffered so much, because most of the members of the Tea Party people outside Congress were no more in agreement with the lawmakers they voted for last fall to give the Republicans a majority in the House.

They have realized that "Cut, Cap and Balance" proposal was to needle the poor and the elderly. The idea to reduce government spending was inexplicable at the time of last November vote that swept the Republican Party to power, and so to take over the House.

If the Tea Party members were told that behind the Republican deficit reduction plan, Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security would be drastically cut, to make up for the revenue that would come from the closing of tax loopholes, and also getting back on the Bush tax breaks for the rich, they would not have voted the way they did. The resultant would have been different, in that the Democrats would still have had a majority in the House.

Therefore, the Cut, Cap and Balance plan has become only a shell without the oyster. The pearl, which its originators were banking on, was the support of the Tea Party membership as a whole.

However, that is not the case anymore; and one will wonder why the Tea Party members in the House must be vociferous of Cut, Cap and Balance as being the plan of all plans to resolve the Debt controversy.

That goes to show that the Republican Party is only using its new plan "to throw a wrench in the works"; for, although, they do see the need to raise the debt ceiling, but they will not acquiesce, because of political reasons.

There has never been a time, when the United States Government has been prevented by Congress from paying its bills; so, why now?

If a deal is not reached to get the government to honor its obligations by August 2nd, 2011, President Barack Obama will be in the clear, and the Republican Party leadership will be assigned the blame for a default; and that will not go down well with voters.

The outcome of the crisis will definitely influence their (voters) reaction, in terms of casting their vote against those who have instigated that the government must be stopped from paying its bills before the set deadline, in the first place.

Tea Party members have been duped by the Congressmen and women they put their trust into, to do the right things for them, like reducing a runaway government spending; but they did not expect that by so doing, social entitlement programs would be victimized.

In other words, the backing they (Congressmen and women) had from the Tea Party for those members of Congress to be elected has evaporated.

That is where matters stand right now, for the U.S. government to come out of a fiscal gridlock, and to have the economy moving forward once again, except for the foolhardiness of a few Republican Congressional members, whose intention is just to score political points; and furthermore, to defeat President Obama in his re-election bid.

The issue could be dealt with in the safest way possible; however, Republicans would not want to see the president back in office, for another four years; and so, they would not relent in their opposition to raising the debt ceiling.

They would, however, have done a great, great disservice to the nation, for allowing the deadline that would farther plunge America into a more serious economic blunder to go by. They would have failed to raise their little finger to help their fellow Americans in time of financial need to save the country from a disastrous situation.

In view of that, the Republican Party has become the Tea Party's dilemma; or was it the other way around? They did not actually know what to do, in regard to where either of them stood politically; of course.

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