Friday, July 8, 2011


Budget cuts to help the deficit reduction discussions going on in Washington D.C. must not be done in a manner that will put the burden on just one section of society, or in such a way that only one faction must be made to bear the brunt of the United States' current financial problems.

Lawmakers, however incessantly they want and need to shave off costs to bring government spending under control, are liable to ensure that fairness is the driving influence behind their actions.

If seniors are picked on, through Medicare and Social Security, to carry a bigger load to achieve a balanced budget, then their efforts to enable the country to maintain a strong economy in the past, and throughout their working years, will be in vain.

At the present moment, that is what the cuts are aiming to do, and that is to reduce Medicare and Social Security spending in order to accomplish the objective of Congressional Republicans, who are always protecting the more secure citizens, by saying that raising taxes on them is likely to make the economy worse.

They argue that if taxes are raised on the more affluent people, and particularly the rich, unemployment will rise even higher, because they are the ones helping the economy to get better by their investments in industries and businesses.

The Obama administration is making it abundantly clear that there are some excesses through tax loopholes that the rich are taking advantage of, and they (tax loopholes) must be closed, if there is going to be any type of fairness in solving the country's financial woes.

Both sides have identified where the cuts are supposed to come from, as well as where there is a need to raise taxes to help the revenue to increase.

Now, it must be realized that spending by the government is in itself not a bad thing, because it allows the government to pay our military and security forces who are working day and night to protect the nation's interests at home and abroad.

Two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan must be paid for; and the expenditure of maintaining embassies and consulates all around the globe must be handled efficiently.

It is not that President Barack Obama is giving money away to African Americans, as many of the so called Tea Party people think or assume. No such thing has ever happened; or will it ever happen.

All the monies in any government's expenditure are spent reasonably; it is done with so much rational as the Republican opposition members fully know. Yet, they have a fixation that many Americans are born stupid, and they will embrace anything you tell them. Ask these members where the spending is going, and they will never give a direct or true answer; but because of the negative thoughts they have about the Obama administration, they will find many excuses to justify their behavior.

They are always ready to find fault of some kind; and give the impression that the president is "a big spender".

Again, many Americans are saying that, if the cuts are going to be on the backs of seniors alone, then there will not be fairness on the part of those who are insisting that no responsibility must be extended to the rich and well to do, to contribute their fair share to stabilizing the slow economy that we are all seeing today.

The correction of the economy, and the responsibility of paying off the huge debt the country is laboring under, must be borne on all shoulders; and that must include the middle class, the working class and all citizens of the United States alike.

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