Tuesday, October 6, 2009


The control of the Web would be a disastrous adventure on the part of the government. It would curb the freedom that people had known since the beginning of time. It would decimate many lives.

In an article under "Opinion" titled, Obama Wants to Control the Web, on FOX News website, it seemed frightening to the point that the FCC would soon be shoving so much regulatory measures on the Internet; and it was a wonder that charging a fee or a monthly payment of some kind before the ordinary people could comment on an issue on the Web, let alone blog, as the case might be, to derive any kind of income, was not one of those measures.

However, when that should happen, only big business could go online (the Web) and present whatever they desired to push on the public. Why? Because they could afford any type of a fee or payment to the government, irrespective of how high it was. They would, in effect, had bought and paid for the Internet; and like the newspapers, TV, radio, magazines and other forms of (the) media, only the rich, the powerful and the affluent could afford to use it.

It would only be a privilege for the man in the street to contribute to the Internet or the Web, when he was in the news through a plane crash or an automobile accident, or something like a mugging happening to him. He would be sealed in to the same extent that we saw today, with big business having a self acquired enterprise by coercion of the government through money over those media mentioned above; using influential law firms to fight any violations.

We all knew what the government was attempting to do, and that was to make certain that there was no domination of any kind by any group or, for that matter, by the capitalist corporations, who have made the airwaves and the print media their personal properties, and were milking society, as a fleece sucked the blood out of a mule. They saw society as a carcase, and even though it was dead, they would kick it anyway. Or those who were raking in vast sums of money by way of pornography.

They were the ones to be controlled, and not the student, or a housewife with children to feed, or a retiree school teacher, or just out of luck, unemployed person, who could not get a sanitation job even if he or she tried to; but he or she could write and make a living out of it (writing) through the Web.

The FTC (the Federal Trade Commission) vote of 4-0 to regulate "blogging" was so frightening, it left mothers and unemployed fathers, as well as debt riddled people, with poor students among them, crying their eyes out. They knew that the word "regulation" meant nothing but control of the only medium, the Web, that has truly bestowed freedom on human kind; and was the exercise of that freedom going to be taken away? Good grief.

Under the tutelage of a White House staffer by the name of Susan Crawford, who happened to be a well known Marxist socialist, and who has been organizing the "OneWebDay", along side the radical environmental Earth Day campaign idealists, who just wanted to bamboozle everyone, but themselves that they were the ones to restore the biomes of the world; and she being the Internet Czar, has been using that same word quite frivolously, calling it the neutrality regulation, to enhance her agenda to revolutionize the information industry, and for that matter, the whole world's media, including the Web, of course.

Therefore, the ordinary person has once again been caught between the capitalists, who had the profits to be able to afford to eat a $1500 dollar lunch, and the socialist activists, who wanted to correct the inadequacies that allowed such people to exist, but could not do so without soliciting them (capitalists) to help them (socialists) to achieve their aim, which was the total socialistic transformation of the Web. An Internet revolution that would remove the liberties that all people should equally have.

At this juncture, they would forget that they were sworn enemies; and they would clamp it down in such a way that only the very rich could afford to use it; whilst they, the same capitalist conglomerates, continued to derive their profits by the exploitation of the underprivileged, the common man and woman in the street.

Regulations? Yes; but only on those that deserved them.

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