Sunday, October 24, 2010


The sacking of Juan Williams by NPR is no surprise to many people, in that, according to the head of the broadcasting company, he has been warned several time for making remarks that are not conducive to company standards, rules or policies during his tenure.

Though, his appearance on FOX News programs has categorized him as leaning toward liberalism, as his political effusion and social analysis have indicated in several instances, on many occasions.
He has been a contributor on FOXNewsSUNDAY and FOXNEWS SPECIAL REPORT for quite some time; and he is ebullient and smart, otherwise they will not have him there.

However, the mere fact that, in a simple statement, (that) he becomes a little bit skittish, when he finds himself on the same flight with Muslims as co-passengers; and that the scenario opens or subscribes to a weary feeling in his mind.

That is a fact; and it is a sentiment shared by a whole lot of people.
Undoubtedly, it is a common feeling that is widespread among the traveling public these days.

Americans are more capricious, when traveling abroad now than they have ever been in the past, particularly, when doing so on a plane; and for a personal observation, to that effect, to be used as "the smoking gun" to trigger his ouster is quite appalling. That is why it is causing so much public outrage.

The reason being obvious that Muslims have caused 9/11; and the fact remains that they will do it again; the most notable example being the Christmas day "underwear" bomber, Umar Farouk Adbulmutallab. His attack has been planned to take place fifteen thousand feet above ground. He will detonate his device in the air, while the plane is in flight over Detroit. Gruesome; isn't it?

It has failed to ignite, because the bomber, who happens to look like any ordinary traveling companion among the rest of the passengers; men, women and children; on the plane, has forgotten the procedure to pull the cord that is supposed to cause the explosion.

Many people will be dead by now; but presently, they are angry at NPR for overreacting to Mr. Williams' statement. Its officials are afraid of the Islamic backlash that will ensue, and therefore they will let him go to avoid that; knowing fully well that they are giving way to outside influence in the decision making process of the company.
Besides, they are taking his right to free speech and thrashing it; and in journalism, that will be looked upon as pure censorship.

For a broadcasting company to be accused of fostering censorship, in broad daylight, it stands to lose, not just its credibility to broadcast information accurately and freely; but also the confidence to please the same public it intends to serve, and from which it inclines to attract and derive its business support to survive. Isn't that foolish?

Many are saying that, because of political correctness, you cannot tell the truth anymore; or else it might offend a certain group, be it a religious, a political or a social entity. Needless to say NPR is seen as leading the way, by adopting that ideology, to choose what it wants people to hear; and thus, suppressing freedom of speech in this country.

To expiate itself from such foul accusations, let NPR reinstate Mr. Williams instantaneously. They (managers) will be happy if they do; or the public will come down on them like a ton of bricks.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010



Many people, like myself, thought that the Press or the Media (or which ever way you would call them), should be neutral, or at least try to remain so; and that they should be objective in their outlook, in presenting information, particularly, the news to the public.

Yet, where is the objectivity by the media, when reporting on the New York governor's race? There doesn't seem to be any.

One of the candidates is already being portrayed as "prince elect", which is highly Un-American in itself; and the other is being given negative reviews for speaking his mind. He is being openly attacked on several issues, whereas his opponent is being treated with kid gloves, literally.

It looks like whatever Mr. Andrew Cuomo, the Democratic candidate says is favorable or acceptable to news correspondents; but what comes out of Mr. Paladino, the Republican candidate's mouth is abominable, in every instance.

The latest is his skirmish with the homosexual community, and what he is saying about the way its members flaunt or display certain attributes of their lifestyle during their annual Halloween parade; which has been made to become "front page news" by the media. To him, such behavior was not conducive to children or young adults.

All he is saying is that, as a religious father, he will not allow his children to be exposed to a spectacle of that kind. He also mentions that real marriage is off the table for their attempt to change its meaning; and a great number of people agree with him on those two points.

Mr. Cuomo has been campaigning on a platform that included a woman's right to choose plank; and not a single media representative has questioned him about why he felt the way he did with babies losing their innocent lives, mercilessly.

This is America, and it is still a free country; and people are at liberty to express their thoughts, no matter how harsh, sometimes. Therefore, if the media believe in fair play, then there is only one thing for them to do, and that is to sit on the fence for the two campaigns to take their individual, different, non-convergent and uncommon characteristics to achieve their goals. Thus, playing an interloper role by any "outside" entity will not help the voters in the slightest.

The governor's mansion does not belong to any one person; and it is for New Yorkers themselves to elect their own governor, and not the media; be he Cuomo or be he Paladino.

Again, it seems to many people that one of the candidates is telling the truth; whilst the other will say anything to get elected; and they, the electorate, can decide for themselves which one to choose.

Monday, October 11, 2010



When it's half past ten, or so abouts in the morning, a strange thing happens in New York City. Right on the corner of Church street, there is a building of about eighteen to twenty stories; and people of all ages stand in front of it and converse or just look around, as if they are part of the tourist and sight-seeing crowd visiting Ground Zero; however, they are not visitors. They are real New Yorkers, who are either being trained in computer skills, or as customer service reps. (representatives) or home-care and housekeeping personnel.

The most noticeable feature of this group is that, although there are quite a few youngsters included, most of them are not your normal job-seekers. They are elderly, and some are past their retirement age; or have even come out of retirement and are integrating with the average persons who are looking for work.

That is a fantastic idea, than to to have the elderly who are in their golden years to be cooped up in nursing homes and places like that. They are out there, just as anyone else, to make good use of their time; and to be useful in society too. They are enjoying the atmosphere, and at the same time exercising their bodies and minds, despite their age.

Of course, nursing homes and retirement establishments have their use; however, in the old days, people will just retire and that will be the end; and then programs will be organized for them at the expense of the taxpayer. Now, they have become taxpayers themselves, and their contribution to their communities and the city at large is enormous. They are not just going to be voters and be corralled as sheep to go out and vote on election day. They can do better than that; they can also work.

In essence, they are saying, "Look, I love a quiet and peaceful life. I enjoy the solitude; but I resolve to make use of my time, depending on the mood I'm in." They are doing so, not as a group, but as independent individuals, who can still make up their own minds.

It is possible that The Department for the Aging, which is an arm of the city government, has a hand in what is taking place on Church Street; and if so, then the credit that New Yorkers have must go to the Director of the program, and to the honorable Mayor Michael Bloomberg, of course.

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Life and its wants.

In my article, "SCIENTISTS, SPACE, WATER & LIFE", the other day, I had just missed one single word, or part of it, to make the article ineffective, or at least less understandable.

That word was "uninhabitable"; and it might have made the article a little bit confusing; however, that should not be a problem at all, because I knew that whatever misspelled word that was found in any of my articles, my readers would correct that in their minds.

Yet, the point I was trying to make was obvious, since loads and loads of funding has gone, and still continued to go into space exploration; but it was not producing any immediate result.

Everything has been laid out, or up or down, for the future to take care of; and the program would boost tourism, from which the government would accrue much revenue.

That would be good. Nevertheless, would tourism be the only industry to benefit from the advantages of space flight and exploration? Certainly not.

The aeronautic and other manufacturing and service industries would have an enormous part to play; and that would go a long way to resolve the acute unemployment situation like the one we were seeing today.

In the long run, there might be moon landings again, and even the possibility of landing people on other planets, such as Mars. New raw materials would be discovered; and the new found industry of space flight would open up a new, wide horizon for mankind for more adventures and more discoveries.

The question of population explosion would also be answered, because people could live on other planets; and the scenarios of man improving himself could go on and on, unabated.

Scientists have always had new ideas; otherwise, they would not be scientists; would they? But the common man in the street would also want to see some of his needs met, such as being able to live within his means; and to be a real provider for his family. Wouldn't he?

Presently, he could not handle his own personal economy, because the cost of living here on earth was skyrocketing everywhere he turned; and so, he has been forced to cut corners in everything he did. Therefore, he must also be considered.

He was saying, Scientists, please, find a way out for us down here in the doldrums; so to speak. "We would want to have food on the table for ourselves and our children too.", he was pleading.

Wouldn't that be nice? Life would always have its wants; wouldn't it?

Friday, October 8, 2010


I may not be a science enthusiast, or a friend of scientists, but I have to pay a little bit of attention to what they tell us little, uneducated "ignorami", when it comes to new discoveries in outer space.

We have had them tell the whole world that they do not believe that we are alone in the vastness of the Cosmos, and that their researches will one day prove that to be a fact.

They have "discovered" new worlds that are similar in almost every respect to the one we live in; and yet, in the final analysis, they have usually turned around to say that they (new worlds) are uninhabitable.

They infuse in our minds that a miniscule of a germ or bacteria on another planet will be enough evidence to prove that life is a possibility elsewhere. It does not have to be intelligent life or living, as we have come to know it on this earth, or anything close to it. Even, a cold shock protein will do.

To them, the quadrillion of stars, similar to our Sun, existing in space are liable to have earth-like planets orbiting them; or at least, there must be one or two or three or four systems such as our Milky way, concealed somewhere; and that only time will prove them right.

The latest is a planet; the one "located in the Gliese 581 star system, in the so-called "Goldilocks zone" or an area where planets can support liquid water on their surface." For a few minor factors, it has everything comparable to the Earth's; and it has w.......(No, that has not been mentioned).

What? Is that all we are expecting to find; water? If all we want is to find ordinary water, frozen or liquefied, in outer space, then there must be an easy way. Bring it with you.

Is all the hoopla of space exploration and interplanetary spaceflight about discovering regular water on the planets? I really don't believe so; and yet, the drama of not being able of sighting or finding any, except for the small ice caps on the Moon and Mars, still continues.

NASA's enormous research on the red planet, as Mars is called, has recently concluded that, "lack of a magnetosphere and its extremely thin atmosphere pose great challenge to life's sustainability in Mars."

Huge amounts of funding, just for the discovery of water?
If we on earth can only have a fraction of the cost of space exploration, which has still produced very little to almost nothing, to redress our social and economic problems, we will all be in good stead.

If water, a substance that everybody needs to exist, is the clue to evaluate a planet's capability of sustaining any type of life; then its discovery, anywhere, cannot be underestimated; particularly if it is found on other planets.

It will assure us that there are other "living beings" living in the utter vastness of space; because we do not appreciate the idea that we are alone.

On the other hand, if that is not the case, then the proper approach scientists must embed themselves, at all cost, is to realize another way; and that is to transport it. They can take it there, due to the fact that there are volumes of it here.

However, that must be out of the question. Why? Because, that is unimaginable; and so, it is highly unlikely.

Yet, in this stressful world we live, the common man in the street is saying that, if the scientists want to find water on any planet, all they have to look for are the clouds, to see whether there are any; and if there aren't any, then there is no water; and therefore, there is no life.